Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a crucial component of healthcare to help augment physicians and make them more efficient. In medical imaging, it is helping radiologists more efficiently manage PACS worklists, enable structured reporting, auto detect injuries and diseases, and to pull in relevant prior exams and patient data. In cardiology, AI is helping automate tasks and measurements on imaging and in reporting systems, guides novice echo users to improve imaging and accuracy, and can risk stratify patients. AI includes deep learning algorithms, machine learning, computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, and convolutional neural networks. 

generative artificial intelligence

What will it take to win consumer buy-in on GenAI for healthcare?

Americans aren’t OK with generative healthcare AI that was developed without physicians and is sold by vendors without track records. 

December 15, 2023
Example of a totally AI driven echocardiography workflow on the new Siemens Origin ultrasound system unveiled in 2023. The AI did all the work on this screen, taking a 3D echo exam and automatically segmenting the anatomy, contoured all the chambers, found the ideal views to display and then calculated all the measurements in seconds. Photo by Dave Fornell at TCT 2023. 

Cardiology now has more than 100 FDA cleared AI algorithms

Cardiology makes up 10% of the 692 market-cleared clinical AI algorithms in the FDA’s latest update on the number of patient-facing AI now commercialized in the U.S. Experts share their thoughts on how it is being used.

December 14, 2023
AI applications developed by and commercialized outside the U.S. The company is working on gaining FDA for these and had several FDA clearances granted this past year. Photo by Dave Fornell. #RSNA #RSNA23 #RSNA2023

FDA has now cleared 700 AI healthcare algorithms, more than 76% in radiology

Medical imaging makes up 76% of all the FDA-cleared artificial intelligence clinical algorithms used for direct patient care.

December 13, 2023
AI artificial intelligence stethoscope doctor

5 key criteria for AI prediction models in cardiology

AI-based prediction models have shown significant promise, but many are still flawed in a way that limits their value. 

December 13, 2023
Video interview with Nina Kottler, MD, MS, associate chief medical officer for clinical AI, Radiology Partners, explains what radiology practices should consider when assessing artificial intelligence (AI) return on investment in an era where there is little reimbursement. #RSNA #RSNA23 #RSNA2023 #HealthAI #AIhealthcare

Artificial intelligence ROI considerations in radiology

Rad Partners' Nina Kottler, MD, explains what practices should consider when assessing artificial intelligence solutions in an era where there is little reimbursement.  

December 6, 2023
Healthcare artificial intelligence

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

December 6, 2023
ethical healthcare artificial intelligence

Ethical healthcare AI in 8 mnemonic elements

Artificial intelligence researchers are making a “great plea” to guide the ethical development and use of generative AI in medicine.

December 6, 2023
congressional hearing on artificial intelligence

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

December 1, 2023

Around the web

U.S. health systems are increasingly leveraging digital health to conduct their operations, but how health systems are using digital health in their strategies can vary widely.

When human counselors are unavailable to provide work-based wellness coaching, robots can substitute—as long as the workers are comfortable with emerging technologies and the machines aren’t overly humanlike.

A vendor that supplies EHR software to public health agencies is partnering with a health-tech startup in the cloud-communications space to equip state and local governments for managing their response to the COVID-19 crisis.

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